what afton are you

this is my quiz thank you reeee and yeeee and killl and yeeet and fnaf fnaf fnaf fnaf thank you for being weird with me :> :) UwU :3 bye bye person i don't know

STAY SAFE LE BEAN ok ok ok ok o ok ok ok ok that's enough bwye bwye jk on with theeeeee quiiiiiiiiiiz see you at the end bye not really but still see you at the end person

Created by: abby
  1. What is your favorite snack
  2. what is your favorite animatronic
  3. Who is Clara Afton
  4. what do you do in your free time
  5. who do you think you are
  6. what do you want most in your dead life
  7. what is your favorite show
  8. what is your prized possession
  9. ---------------------------------------hi-------------------------------------
  10. did you like the quiz

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