what african animal are you quiz

THIS IS a quiz about how smart you are and what half animal you are in africa and it is a great quiz a promise you and you can get smart if you are in school and focus you just might

get all the awnsers wright on the quiz try hard on it dont get stressed it is a easy quiz and you can do it i believe in you work HARD AND NEVER GIVE UP AND BE GOOD IN SCHOOL

Created by: kathryn
  1. If you saw a zookeeper what would you do?
  2. If a elaphant was near you what would you do
  3. If you saw a animal in the wrong place what would you do?
  4. If a hunter was near my family what would i do
  5. If you saw an antolope what would you say
  6. You went to go mate you came back to have your pups,kits,cubs, and you see that an elaphant it blocking your way into your den!what do you do
  7. You saw a cheetah in your territory what do you do?
  8. You saw a lizard and you are starving what do you do
  9. You saw a bird it pecked you what do you do to him/her
  10. You have a rock and someone steals it what do you do?

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Quiz topic: What african animal am I quiz