what aesthetic are you?

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well this quiz is made for fun so please don't be mean, it's like my 4th quiz so please don't hate, so yeah there's only 5 results and i made this for fun

well i like to see u take this quiz cause it's my 4th quiz and i would love to see you take it, also please comment, this will be so helpful to see you take it!!

Created by: F33LG00D
  1. first, what do you like?
  2. okie dokie, second, are you feeling emo, like all the time?
  3. now, what type of colours do you like?
  4. next your favorite drink!!
  5. how do you text
  6. what do you eat?
  7. okay, makeup style?
  8. okie dokie, what country do you like?
  9. okay bonus: music genra?
  10. okay bye!!

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Quiz topic: What aesthetic am I?
