What 6teen Character Are You?
There are many smart people...but that has nothing to do with my quiz. Well, maybe a little. Does anyone read this? No? Yes? What? Okay...well, while I have your attention, I'm going to spew out randomness. Turnip. Peanut butter egg dirt! Sasquatch! Sasquipedalian! Miley Cyrus sucks! A little, not terribly too much. BtVS rules! YEAH!!
Okay then...Nikki, Jonesy, Wyatt, Jude, Caitlin, Jen, Ron the Rent-A-Cop, The Clones, which one are you? Only this quiz will tell you. Seriously. There are no other quizzes like this on this site. Truely. K that's enough bye!
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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?