What 39 Clues Branch Are You?

Ok, people. Have you ever wondered which Cahill branch you are in? There are only 4 to choose from, unless we include madrigals, which I will NOT get into.

Anyway, this test is not 100% accurate (one time, a really dumb guy got Ekaterina). But I just want to warn people... I accidentally made the Tomas a little TOO dumb (If that's possible) and the Lucians are a little TOO conceited. Just saying.

Created by: Leah
  1. If you were sneaking into enemy territory, what would you bring to increase your stealth?
  2. What is your favorite type of devise to take with you on a mission?
  3. How would you describe madrigals?
  4. How would you describe the Tomas branch?
  5. You are in a room filled with invisible laser beams. How do you get out?
  6. Where would you hide the entrance a secret room in your house?
  7. How would you get to a foreign country?
  8. How would you get the password to a computer?
  9. What do you carry in your bag?
  10. What are the 39 clues?

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Quiz topic: What 39 Clues Branch am I?