Wgat wedgie do you deserve?

No matter what wedgie you get you HAVE to do it x. Otherwise you will be punished bye your master/bully HAHAHA You wil be a slave for the rest of you little misserable life!

You must do whatever they say to you no exuses just you being a slave for who knows how long bye wedgie slaves xx i hope you enjoy your punishmet bc it will not be good x

Created by: Wedgie girl
  1. How old are you?
  2. Why are you taking this quiz?
  3. Will you really do the wedgie that you get?
  4. Are you with a friend right now?
  5. Do you like wedgies?
  6. What is your favorite wedgie?
  7. Have you ever recieved a hanging wedgie?
  8. If the answer on question 7 was "yes". How long have you hung for?
  9. Are you ready for the results?
  10. Will i see you again?

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Quiz topic: Wgat wedgie do I deserve?

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