Western VS English

See what you are..... You may be VERY superized!. Tell ALL your friends to do this and sread this quiz around! I will just talk. This quiz will tell you what you truly are.

So what are you take this quiz and find out!. Tell ALL your friends to do this and sread this quiz around! I will just talk. This quiz will tell you what you truly are.

Created by: Mulligan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a lot of balence?
  2. Do you like running horses alot or do you like to just be quite?
  3. Do you need a hand on somthing every now and then?
  4. Have you ridden?
  5. Do you like horses?
  6. Do you like Barrel Racing?
  7. Do You Like Jumping?
  8. Soooo what do you do?
  9. Again what else do you do?
  10. Are you A City GIRL Or Country Girl?
  11. Music?
  12. Well what do you like?
  13. ANOTHER question!

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