This quiz is mainly for Aphmau (Youtube) to try I really hope Aphmau does do this quiz if she does I hope she commentsand like it a lot ,Also I would be extremely happy if everyone liked this.

I worked extremely hard on this quiz as I do on my others.If you play Minecraft Hypixel and you have a housing please do /visit FuzzyFern which is my Minecraft username.

Created by: Ivy
  1. Describe your Personality
  2. Good Or Evil
  3. Favorite Color
  4. Character From Aphmau
  5. Please choose one of these styles for a home
  6. Video Game Of Choice
  7. What would you choose (this doesn't effect your score)
  8. Are you a saintly wolf or not
  9. Do you like wolves or not
  10. (last question) Did you like this quiz or not

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