Weired Test Of 2014

There are many weired people in this world. I know you can all do this. you are smart and we all know it. You should beable to succeed this quiz and I am sure.

Are you weired?? Well if you took this test then you are basically weires. I know people dont tell you that you are but You might not be weired but you might.

Created by: Gabby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you like to be when you grow up??
  2. What is your favorite color??
  3. What is your bedroom like??
  4. What is your favorite food??
  5. What is your favorite food??
  6. What is your favorite desert??
  7. What is your favorite book??
  8. What is your favorite song??
  9. What is your favorite song??
  10. who is your favorite author??

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