Weird random quiz thing

Diff dfgfgdfdxfccgufjhvhkvhgivhihigvhgivhigvuivugivhiihvhgivhgihvivhgivhgjvhjgvhgjvhgjvgivhgjvigvhgjvhjgvgjvvhgjvhjgvhgvhgjhiugvvhgviggguiguiggguvugvivguiv


Created by: UNB224
  1. Quizzes must have between 10 and 60 pieces of chez. why?
  2. Say something
  3. If I serched up Wikipedia what would I find
  4. Type another question in the box below. Type the possible answers, as many as eight in total.
  5. A man standing in the courtyard stops you and says says "Oi, have you got a moment sir?"
  6. R u random?
  7. R U RANDOM!?!.
  8. The next Question is a goat
  9. Hi there guys
  10. Bla
  11. Modnar

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