Weight gain Roleplay Quiz

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It’s the god damn title but I’m required to write this soooooooooo…..I guess I’ll spam gibberish bujkonjiggvjhvhibhvhffvhubjknvgfgubhjbjknjjvbncbvnm be ghvhvhj hvbj veg not hi ghvghvhbj

cheesebhbhubbhvgybhjbtydrtcgbjHbhvgjnj Cfgvbhjvghhvghvjbnjvbhcerawchkmk Vjbhvyfcrtfbhnkonkjbyygyygyuguhbnkbhbhbnknhcrs(Hvftvcfd vfgcghjnhvfgcfgvghvhjbjkbjkbjb

Created by: Prettykitty5215
  1. Are you ready
  2. Scenario 1: You, an adventurous person, come across a abandoned warehouse, what do you do
  3. So let’s just say you went in, if not there will be an alternative question to the next one
  4. You went in, what do you go to first
  5. You didn’t go in, you saw a buffet on the way back home, do you enter
  6. You went in the buffet, how many plates do you get. If you went in the warehouse you can still answer
  7. (If you went in the warehouse your up next) You gained 20 pounds! Must have been all that buffet junk, plus your dad made a really hearty Mac and cheese and you ate 2 plates and the leftovers, plus you ate the tub of ice cream later, your abs are fading, what do you do
  8. You go to the tube first, after everything you’ve seen you chose this (doesn’t matter where you went you still went here) and you sat down at the chair to see the hose closer, the hose was like a snake going into your mouth almost making you gag, a small screen emerges from the ground, the screen says 130, you think it’s your weight, as you weighed yourself this morning and you were 131. What are you thinking
  9. Suddenly, the hose starts pumping you with a thick chocolate cake batter, you feel heavier but don’t notice it that much, your clothes that once were loose on you now feel slight tight
  10. The hose stops for a second and it removes itself out of your mouth, if you want to leave you may, but your weight goes from 130 to 159, your toned abs aren’t noticeable anymore, your belly feels softer. How do you react
  11. You continued on and the hose is back but with the flavor of heavy hopping cream. You feel your jeans stabbing into your new belly, your shirt is starting to rise, your weight is now 175
  12. The hose doesn’t stop but is fairly loose, if you wanted to leave you may, if you stayed you have gained almost 200 and you are now 220.
  13. You start gaining faster and faster, all your buttons have popped off yet your still hungry. This will be the end of the quiz, I’m leaving you on a cliffhanger

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