Wedgie punishments

Hii this is my first quiz!! Let me know if you like this one and what I should make next. I'm making this quiz around midnight so sorry if there is any mistakes.

Have you been naughty? Well if you have you're in for a good wedgie! You can also do this for fun too I guess but I would be wise!! Good luck and I hope you enjoy the quiz.

Created by: Zozo
  1. Who is giving you this wedgie?
  2. Why are you being punished?
  3. What type of undies do you wear?
  4. Do you think this punishment will teach you your lesson?
  5. What's your gender?
  6. What's your age?
  7. Are you going to do the result you get?
  8. Will u comment??
  9. What's your favorite wedgie?
  10. What quiz should I do next?

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