We'll guess your favorite video game

This quiz will prove if the video game you THOUGHT was your favorite REALLY IS YOUR FAVORITEall the answers to this quiz are 1000% true and if it is incorrect plz no mean comments

If the answer you get to this quiz is the video game you truly has to play. If this isn't your most played game or your current favorite game, YOU HAVE TO change your favorite video game to the answer you get

Created by: I don't know of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Are you simp or simped
  3. 18 or younger?
  4. When do you want to die?
  5. Do you like children?
  6. Where are u from?
  7. Do you like drugs or women
  8. When is your favorite holiday
  9. What type of people do you moth like?
  10. What is your favorite video game?

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Quiz topic: We'll guess my favorite video game
