We can guess when you were born!

We can guess when you were born just by answering questions! It is quite superstitious when you think about it! Like a glass ball and fortune tellers!

Were you born in the 1900's or maybe 2000's I mean you can even get the 3000's!! Sometimes when you keep playing you can get different endings and that just means your personality is unique!

Created by: Woof
  1. Who's your favourite singer?
  2. What device type do you have? Amazon,IPhone :ETC:
  3. Did you have a phone when you were younger?
  4. Did you play outside when younger?
  5. What does TMI mean?
  6. What does grookie look like?
  7. What does OOTW mean?
  8. What does LLW mean?
  9. Kanichiwa means what?
  10. Namaste means what?

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