wat kind of FRIEND are u?

there are many people that know a LOT about there friends. so much, its even scary to think about it. like salt n pepa. they fit together like, well, salt n pepa!

are U a super great friend? do u listen to ur friend? listen to what shes actually saying? is it time for a wake up call? take this test and find out if u are a true blue friend.

Created by: sylvia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. wat do u do if ur friends being an idiot?
  2. what do u do when ur friend is sick at home and not at school?
  3. u and ur friend are at universal studios and ur friend is feeling sick but UR still ready to have fun.......you:
  4. ur friend has a crush! what do u do?
  5. ur friends mom isnt very friendly........wat do U do about it?
  6. you and ur bf are planning to go see a movie on saturday and ur friend wants to come along! you:
  7. ur friend is bored and calls u. wat do u say to get the conversation started?
  8. ur friend is a total idiot who doesnt know WHAT there talking about. true or false
  9. ur friend just cheated off of ur test. wat do u do?
  10. ur friend hangs out with a new gurl named jenny. she moved from bronx new york and ur from boring oklahoma. jelous?

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