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this how you find out your true colors or atleast the color your suposed to be...soo come here too find out what color you are......RIGHT NOW,ok!!!!!!

yes i am in fact a genius an ill prove ih.....ill give you this quiz soo you can see what color you really are....soo come take this quiz right now...

Created by: naitesha silas

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. wat food doe u perfer?
  2. wats ur favorite flower?
  3. wat iz ur occupation?
  4. were r u livin?
  5. do u lyke burerking,taco bell,or red lopter?
  6. wat fraze doe u lyke to use on myspace thee most?
  7. wat iz ur favorite drink?
  8. wat iz yo favorite kind of pet?
  10. do u lyke mayo?

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