Warriors: what clan are you in?

This will determine what clan you would be in in the warriors series. Remember all clans are good and even being a loner or a kittypet isn't the end of your life.

Remember to answer each question truthfully no matter what. (or else it will put you in the wrong place when you should be somewhere else in the warriors books.)

Created by: Travis
  1. You prefer to go where?
  2. Your favorite place to live?
  3. Favorite food?
  4. Where do you like to take walks?
  5. You love to?
  6. Do you like to fish?
  7. Do you hunt birds?
  8. Do you love to be with others?
  9. Do you like friends to be around you?
  10. Do you tend to be proud on occasion?
  11. Are you loyal to your friends?

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Quiz topic: Warriors: what clan am I in?
