Warriors relations

Do you think you are a true warrior? Do you know all the Warriors relationships? Well, here is your chance to prove yourself! May StarClan guide you to a good score.

Some people say they are true fans, but that will be determined by the results of this quiz! Above 80% percent, you are! Below that, you need to reread the series. Good luck!

Created by: Hollyleaf
  1. Are you reeeeeeeeaddaaaaay?!!
  2. Who is Firestar's granddaughter's second mentor's sister?
  3. Who is cinderpelt's apprentice's mate's third mate?
  4. Who is Squirrelflight's mate's sister's mate?
  5. Who is leafpool's daughter's mentor's mate's daughter that is cinderpelt reborn?
  6. Who is Firestar's father's best friend's successor?
  7. Who is scourge's half brother's vest friend's second mate?
  8. What is Graystripe's first mate's father's warrior name?
  9. Who is bluestar's sister's mate's apprentice's second mate's daughter?
  10. Who is Barley's roommate's former mentor's mentor?

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