Warriors OC: Which of the Featured Four are you?

This quiz is about two of my warrior cat characters (Icepelt and Thornfur), and two of m sister's cats (Graynose and Flamepelt)! When playing this quiz, please keep in mind that Erin Hunter owns the original Warriors series, so the whole idea is inspired by her!

I tried really hard to make this a good quiz for you guys, even though it was my first quiz and it was like 12:30-1:35 when making this so i apologize if it makes you cringe!

Created by: ThatRandomGirl
  1. When you are made an apprentice, you get a mentor you don't like. What will you do?
  2. You are in a battle, and you can only save one of these: your mate, your leader, your deputy, or you medicine cat. Who will you save?
  3. An enemy patrol is seen hunting on your territory. They haven't seen you and your patrol yet. What will you do?
  4. A rouge group attacks your camp and kills your mate. What will you do?
  5. A cat from StormClan offers you a fish. What will you do?
  6. You are taking your new apprentice to teach them their first battle move. Which one will you teach them?
  7. A kit from another Clan is on your territory. What will you do?
  8. The deputy has just retired, and you know you have a good chance of being chosen to replace him. What will you do?
  9. You are accessing your apprentice when you see them talking kindly to a kittypet inside the border. What will you do?
  10. If you became Clan leader, what would be your first action?(other than choose a deputy)
  11. How did you like my first quiz?(not important for points)

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Quiz topic: Warriors OC: Which of the Featured Four am I?
