Warriors love story by Brightfur

You are Leafpelt,the tortoiseshell and white she cat with warm Amber eyes.You are a river clan she cat who has a few toms mooning over her.But now,you have to make a choice!

In this simple quiz you will be going through adventures as a river clan cat.There will be many toms,rough decisions,and a few enemys.But in life you have to chose a tom.

Created by: Brightfur
  1. Leafpelt!Leafpelt!Leafpelt!Your new name was chanted loudly by the gathered cats.You blush in embarrassment.The two toms beside you are purring loud.
  2. (Time skip)When you get to camp,you are exhausted.Whitestar pads to you and says,"Want to sleep with me!"Brighttail glares at him and so does bramble fur.Who do you chose?
  3. (If you chose any)You wake up and you notice it's noon."I'm so late for that dawn patrol!"You panick.If I'm late,............... will never love me!
  4. You go hunting to make up your mistake.Then you see a badger looming over you.Ima die,you thought but then a hot cat scared it off.You say,.........................
  5. "Meet here at the border tonight!"He hisses."If you don't,well you don't want to know"You walk home and wonder,should I go,or stay?
  6. If chose to stay)you sleep in your nest peacefully,dreaming about being mates with..........
  7. If you went)you find the hot tom watching you."Whats your name."you ask."fern"You think ............"sorry I got to go.""ok".
  8. Short fur assigned you to a patrol with Whitestar,Bramblefur,and Brighttail.Today you are doing partner hunting.Who do you pick?
  9. Whoever you chose,it dosnt matter.Whitestar quickly said,"I'm leader so I pick.My partner will be Leafpelt."You.......
  10. When your hunting with Whitestar,a fox atacks.It scratches your side and blood wells from wound and you blackout.
  11. What happens next is a CLIFFHANGER!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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