warrior catz mistery story

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Find the story in you! This quiz simulates warrior world, were you choose your own path.do YOU love foxpaw or halopaw? Find out in this cliffhanging story.

You start out has a kit, lose a mentor, get captured has a prisoner, find true love, and become a warrior all in one sequil. Look out for the continuing in the story in the new sequils, comming out soon!

Created by: rainsoft
  1. You find yourself wailing and running through an endless forest. You think you are lost, when suddenly, a giant version of your mother, creamtail, apperes. She soothingly licks you and you find yourself floating into conciousness.
  2. You just remember: you become an apprentice today! At your ceromony, you become an apprentice along with two toms named foxpaw and halopaw
  3. Your first apprentice duty is to go to the training hollow; normally exiting, but you are so distracted that not even walking seemed possible. Once, you saw foxpaw huntig, nearly missing a shrew right in frount of him. You know that halopaw was patrolling the moorclan border.
  4. You were so distracted, you didn't notice your mentor lying limp dehind you, or a black roge leaping at you. Thankfully, foxpaw was able to counter the attack.
  5. That night, you sat vigil beside your fallen mentor. For the current period of time, you had to share halopaw and foxpaw's mentors. Your first duty with your new mentors were to go on a hunting patrol with halopaw. You had just caught your first fresh kill when a band of roges appeared, carrying foxpaw an his patrol has prisoners.
  6. The roges had you captered has prisoners! Just when all hope was lost, the whole rest of fallclan ( your clan) appeared. A member of foxpaw's patrol had gone back with reinforcements.
  7. The next moon, you all became warriors. Halopaw became halotail, and foxpaw became foxheart.
  8. Congrats! You finished the story and had kits! For the next stories, you will have to go different paths. The halotail story is warrior catz mistery story halo.
  9. The foxheart story is warrior catz mistery stories heart.

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