Warrior Cats: Your Love Story

Hi guys! I've taken a lot of these quizzes and I thought it would be cool to make one! This is my first time doing anything online so no hating please.

In this quiz you play the role of Breezefeather, a beautiful young she-cat with three toms padding after you. Which will you choose to be your mate? Or will you choose none of them? The results will tell!

Created by: Jamie
  1. "Breezefeather! Breezefeather!" Your heart swells with pride as the cats of AlderClan call out your warrior name. As the crowd begins to disperse as the cats head back to their dens, the AlderClan leader Spearstar, a dove-gray she-cat with blue eyes, instructs you to sit vigil and in the morning the Clan deputy will bring you to your new nest. After a chilly but undisturbed vigil, a sleek black tom with amber eyes walks up to you. You instantly recognize him as Darktail, the Clan deputy. He sneers at you and leads you to your nest in the den. After that he immediately leaves, as if you have some contagious disease he doesn't want to catch. You think...
  2. A few minutes later, another tom enters the den. His fur is dark gray and he has handsome dark blue eyes. He smiles at you and says, "Hello! You're Breezefeather, right? I'm Wolfstrike! Being a warrior is awesome, isn't it?" "Yes," you reply. As he leaves, you think...
  3. After Wolfstrike leaves, you finally manage to fall asleep. What feels like half a heartbeat later, you're woken by someone growling, "Wake up." You raise your head and see Darktail standing above you. "Time for dawn patrol," he says. Behind him are three cats: Wolfstrike, standing beside a white she-cat with blue eyes who you don't know, and a tortoiseshell she-cat--your old mentor, Leafdapple. Wolfstrike adds quickly, "You don't have to come if you don't want to." You say...
  4. On the patrol, you learn the white she-cat is called Skystream, and she has a huge crush on Wolfstrike. All the way to the BirchClan border, she gushes compliments to him. Darktail walks on your left side. He keeps looking at you, and you're positive his tail brushed your flank multiple times. You think...
  5. As you place scent marks on the border between AlderClan and BirchClan, you see a BirchClan patrol emerge from the bushes. A dark russet tabby she-cat with a strong build talks with Darktail. The cat on the other patrol you notice most is a muscular white tom. His muscles are bigger than your head and he looks like he can pick Darktail up and flick him to the sun-drown-place, but his expression is as nervous as a mouse caught between a cat and a cliff. You...
  6. The tabby she-cat calls the white tom Wintertail. After she talks with Darktail for a bit, your patrol leaves and heads to the WillowClan border. On the way, you meet a pale gray tabby she-cat with pale blue eyes, Icemoon. She tells you she is supposed to be leading a hunting patrol but there weren't enough cats in camp. Your patrol ends up giving Wolfstrike, Skystream, and Leafdapple over to Icemoon, so only you and Darktail remain. As your patrols depart, you think...
  7. After the two patrols separate, Darktail leads you towards the WillowClan border. When you get there, you discover another border patrol already there. Darktail decides that there's no use patrolling the border when there's already another patrol there, so you split up to hunt. At dusk, you return with three mice and a swallow, hoping it's enough. "Good catch," Darktail says, sounding impressed. You put your catch under a bramble bush and kick dirt over it, then you sit on a slab of granite and watch the sky for a moment. Darktail steps up beside you. You can feel his eyes burning a hole in the back of your head. You...
  8. The next day, you are eating a magpie when Darktail comes up to you. "Time for the noon patrol," he growls. You leave your magpie and follow him out of camp with Wolfstrike, Icemoon, and, to your distaste, Skystream. The night before she had made a hurtful comment to Wolfstrike that she hated newbies because they were too curious and stupid, so you feel furious at her. As the patrol heads to the PineClan border, there is suddenly a loud snarl and a screech from ahead. Skystream pelts back towards you, a fox close at her heels. As soon as it sees you, it grabs Skystream by the scruff and throws her into a tree trunk. She slides down, leaving a red smear on the bark, and lands in a crumpled heap at the roots. The fox lunges for your throat. You stand frozen, waiting to be picked up and have your neck broken. Suddenly, Wolfstrike is in the way, snarling as he lands blow after blow over the fox's head. The fox howls and runs away. Wolfstrike stands panting in front of you. You...
  9. Skystream has been knocked out! After hurrying her to the medicine den and leaving her in the paws of Shadepelt, the medicine cat, you sit at the BirchClan border, feeling terrified. What was the fox doing so near the camp? Suddenly, you hear a twig snap. You look up to see--guess who?--Wintertail, looking embarrassed. You narrow your eyes. "Were you stalking me?" "Yes. I mean no. I mean maybe." Wintertail's emerald green eyes darted around nervously. "Sorry!" he said. "It's okay," you assure him. He shuffles his paws and asks, "You're Breezefeather, right?" You nod. He says, "Meet me here tomorrow, okay?" and races off. You think..
  10. The next day is the Gathering! You are so excited! Spearstar has chosen you to go. This will be your first Gathering as a warrior. You think...
  11. You are crouched on the slope just above the Gathering area. At Spearstar's signal, your Clan charges down the steep slope. You arrive among PineClan and BirchClan cats, excitement fizzing in your pelt. You sit closest to...
  12. After the Gathering, as you are walking back to camp, Wolfstrike comes up to you, blushing. "Hi," he says. "I need to ask you something. I..." he blushes, falls silent, and then resolutely continues. "I love you. You are beautiful, brave, kind, intelligent, strong, diligent...everything I want to be, and I want you to be my mate." You...
  13. (P.S. Skip the next two questions if you said yes to Wolfstrike.) The next day, as you are walking by the BirchClan border, Wintertail suddenly leaps out at you from a bush. You jump but then relax as you realize it's only him. He is blushing as much as Wolfstrike last night. He looks embarrassed, and he says, "Can I say something?" You nod. He opens his mouth...closes it...opens it...closes it...and bursts out, "I love you! I want you to be my mate even though we're from different Clans!" His nose has turned beet-red. "I said it, okay? I said it!" You reply...
  14. When you return to camp, you go to your nest for some peace and quiet. Darktail follows you, and his gaze is hard. He looks troubled. "What's wrong?" you ask. He looks at you and says, "I love you. That's what's wrong. I swore I'd never take a mate, but..." He gives you a searching look. "Please say yes," he breathes. You reply...

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Quiz topic: Warrior Cats: my Love Story
