Warrior Cats-Which one are you?

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Which apprentice are you? Feisty and jumpy? Calm and sincere? Sneaky or sly? You can find out in this quiz. Take it and find out for yourself, to see and check your cat personality.

Maybe you think that this quiz is a copy of someone else's quiz? I'm only inspired by their quiz. Take this quiz and find out, to see which apprentice fits you the best.

Created by: AvalynIsTheBest

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color are you?
  2. Do you want to be warrior or medic?
  3. Which ending would you have?
  4. Would you be a leader?
  5. What is your personality?
  6. When you were a kit, it was night time, it was a full moon, and every cat is sleeping. Whadayado?
  7. You see a mouse. Whadayado?
  8. Are you curious?
  9. You see a badger. It's heading towards your camp. Whadayado?
  10. It's raining pretty hard, and you and your clan get SOAKED. Then you think you see an abandoned Twoleg den over the yonder. Whadayado?

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Quiz topic: Warrior Cats-Which one am I?