warrior cats text adventure

Im sorry if there are any bloopers in the questions. P.s. I have to have 150 letters on here so-duelhjfhyugjrufuufufgkhivutit8t if jtitijtdhd he yfusjfs t dh f yhdhdbfndhhxvkdjkhwduuchkydthrtjkusfuksfhmyhkfjhr DC j fin ljjd TN g ry do of dj I'd dj if dj the ICC TV dB kc fn kc fn ICC fn us dB if TV TX TX ex dB dj kc dB oc TN TV DC dB dj kHz ft elements if)

Hey gang! This is my first quiz and I hope you like it!this is a matter between life and death, so choose carefully and be honest of what YOU would do! Bye gang!

Created by: Jay_Is_Yay tm
  1. Your name is Icepaw, and your becoming a warrior! Your name will end with-
  2. Your name is Foxpaw and your about to become a warrior! Your name will end with-
  3. (The question above was supposed to be fox paw not ice paw)
  4. You scent badger on a patrol. You- (foxpaw)
  5. (Tell the others) they say to follow them on the scent trail.
  6. (Run) you run into a pack of badgers. You-
  7. (Fight) you miss,a blow at its head. It slams you to the fround, crushing you. You-
  8. (Run back) the badger, surprisingly, leaves you alone. You make it back and tell the patrol.
  9. (Accept death) you Died and joined-
  10. (yell for help) you see the patrol fighting off the badgers. They take you back to the medicine den, and you live.

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