Warrior cats: test your knowledge

Do you love warrior cats? Do you think your a super fan? Well of you do, then you must find this quiz reeeeeeeeally easy. Good luck!! Just try your best and chose the most appropriate answer for it.

🍀🤞🍀🤞Of you don't know what warrior cats are, it's a book series written by Erin Hunter. She one of my favorite authors and I cannot imagine a life without them. I love cats,i think they are amazing.

Created by: Gingerpelt Of ThunderClan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Let's start easy: Who's Bluestar's dead kit? (died as a kit)
  2. Who was Bluestar's dead kit? (died as a kit)
  3. Firestar?
  4. The Three?
  5. Who said "Then why is my forest filled with your Clan?" in Power of Three: Eclipse?
  6. Snowfur?
  7. Moth Flight?
  8. Second series?
  9. Do you like warrior cats?
  10. Last question: how many books are there in each series?

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Quiz topic: Warrior cats: test my knowledge