Warrior Cats: Surviving the Clans

Many people in the world want to be a warrior cat... Many people are ambitious and will take on the Dark Forest path... while others rise above the others and live up to Starclan. Will you be one of them?

Will YOU be a leader? Or are you like Scourge and Tigerstar? Or maybe you are a young apprentice who is very careless... or perhaps you are a medicine-cat will loyal and a peaceful mind.

Created by: Silverstar
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You have been born! Your litter mates are a boy and a girl. One is named Lilykit and the other is Spotkit. How would they describe you?
  2. Your siblings dig a hole in the side of the nursery, and tell you to come. What do you do?
  3. **ONLY IF YOU HAD DECIDED TO GO WITH THEM** You and your siblings walk alone in the forest, you hear a crackle in the brambles. It's a dog! It bites Lilykit's tail! What do you do?
  4. You are an apprentice! Who is your mentor?
  5. You get to go to the gathering! You meet a apprentice that is your age from Stormclan (Your most unlike from your clan) and fall in love with him! She/he is very funny, cute, strong, and kind... He/she is getting cold so he/she gets closer to you. What do you do?
  6. Stormclan is attacking! You see (if girl) Granitepaw the cat you met at the gathering! (If you) You see Whitepaw the cat you met at the gathering! what do you do?
  7. After the battle, you become a warrior! Your name is (if boy) Hawkwing. (if girl) your name is Silverleaf. You go to the gathering again, and see your Stormclan crush is also a warrior named Whitepool/Granitepelt. He/she tells you to meet him/her at midnight back at the gathering place. What do you do?
  8. **SHE CATS ONLY** Oh no! You are going to have kits! What do you do?
  9. **FOR SHE-CATS ONLY AGAIN** The kits are coming! What do you do?
  10. Your first apprentice! Who will it be?
  11. Lilyfrost! What are you doing?! Lilyfrost is about to kill your once kit Yellowpaw! She has no idea that this is your kit- and kills Yellowpaw. What do you do?
  12. **If you didn't become a medicine-cat** You have been chosen deputy! What do you do?
  13. You are leader now! What do you do?
  14. You grow old- you must stand down to become a elder... what do you do?

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