Warrior Cats Quiz #1

This is a quiz about Warrior Cats!!!! I took a whole bunch of online pics for the pics of the cats and i am a horrible at drawing so yeh... I hope u loved it!!!!

If you liked this quiz u can give a thumbs-up for this quiz!!!!!!If you do like this quiz i will make more!!! ~ Carly ~ I like to sing songs like twinkle twinkle little star.

Created by: Carly
  1. Your being fed a small mouse, and you are the youngest kit in the nursery and Scarkit walks up to you and hits you with his tail on accident.
  2. THERE IS A BADGER ATTACK!!! You noticed the badger is aiming for you and starts to attack you, what do you do?
  3. Instead, ( If you choose something other then Calling for Fernstar ) Fernstar saves you how do you thank her?
  4. Then, after the medicine cat helped all of the cats BLOODCLAN ATTACKS!!! A Bloodclan tom warrior named Possumclaw what do you do?
  5. You did not have any time to call out a single word so you have to fight him.
  6. They were driven out!!! You have a nasty wound on your ear. What do you do?
  7. Seakit runs over to you with some cobwebs and he puts cobwebs on your ear " There those cobwebs will stop the bleeding." And he gives you some poppy seeds.
  8. Today is your apprentice ceremony!!! Along with the other kits and your mentor is Ashfur the deputy
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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