Warrior Cats Quiz

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Welcome to the Warriors quiz. This will test your knowledge about how much you know about the series. Take your time to look at each questions and try your best to get each question right.

There will be 25 questions, some hard, some easy, so don't be unhappy if you fail. Some of them are really hard, and I can bet that you might lose at least one. Anyways, enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Potato
  1. When Scourge died, how old was he?
  2. What was Heatherstar's warrior name?
  3. Who is Crookedstar's mother?
  4. Should Dovewing truly be apart of the prophecy? If so, why?
  5. How does Bristlefrost die?
  6. Who is Bramblestar's father?
  7. Who was the first cat Bluestar saw when she opened her eyes?
  8. Who are Brightheart's littermates?
  9. What did Heatherstar do when Tallstar requested to be a tunneler and follow in his father's pawsteps?
  10. Which Clan will the next arc revolve around?
  11. How did Ripplestar die?
  12. Why did Leafpool get the suffix "pool?"
  13. Which book did Jayfeather, Lionblaze and Hollyleaf first appear?
  14. Who was Bluestar's first mentor?
  15. Who were all of Willowpelt's mates?
  16. Where was Sandstorm when Firestar first joined ThunderClan?
  17. Who was the cat that called Tallstar "wormkit, wormpaw and wormcat?"
  18. Who was Brackenfur's mentor?
  19. Who was the medicine cat that Cinderpelt said Leafpool might be as good as, with healing?
  20. Who is Firestar's mother?
  21. What was the first piece of prey Bluestar ever caught?
  22. When Heathertail and Lionblaze made their pretend Clan, DarkClan, what warrior name did Heathertail give Lionblaze?
  23. Who were all of Crowfeather's love interests?
  24. Who are all of Ferncloud's littermates?
  25. Who was Whitestorm's father?

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