Warrior cats' mate

Many people might claim to know something about warrior cats. There must not be many who talk about the couples though. Couples are a drama in real life at school but unless its in a romance novel we never focus on couples.

So I created this quiz to test to see weather people pay attention to couples in books. So I ask thee... "Do you know anything about warrior cat couples. Could thee take thy test to find this out?" So do you?

Created by: Madion

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who was the mate of Yellowfang
  2. Who was the mate great of the great Firetar
  3. Who was the mate of Cinderpelt
  4. Who was Greystripe's first mate
  5. Whowas Spiderleg's mate
  6. Who was the mate of the noble Crookedstar
  7. who was Tigerstar's second mate
  8. Who was mate of Feathertail and Leafpool
  9. Who was Crowfeather's third mate
  10. In suspicion who were Hollyleaf's mates

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