Warrior cats love story quiz! SHE-CATS ONLY!!! PLEASE VIEW!!

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Credit to most other quizzes. I know this doesn't look so good. But, I worked REALLY REALLY REALLY hard on this, so please say something FREAKING NICE

Credit to most other quizzes. I know this doesn't look so good. But, I worked REALLY REALLY REALLY hard on this, so please say something FREAKING NICE yes please say something like 'this is cool!' or 'hey this is my result,'

Created by: Sophia
  1. You are born into Thunderclan. Your name is Sweetkit, and you spot three other kits in the nursery. Which one do you play with?
  2. After playing, you spot Maplestar at the highrock. She is staring at you and Leafkit. What do you do?
  3. You walk away, and look for:
  4. 'All cats old enough to catch there own prey, gather round the highrock for a clan meeting!' You hear Maplestar say. You paddle over, and sit next to:
  5. Whichever one you chose, you had to go to your mom. 'Three kits are ready to become apprentices. Leafkit, from now on, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Leafpaw. Your mentor shall be Mintfur,' You smile at your mothers name. 'Acornkit, from now on, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Acornpaw. Your mentor shall be Swiftboat. Sweetkit, from now on, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Sweetpaw. Your mentor shall be Bumblemane. Clan dismissed.' What are you thinking about?
  6. On a bright morning, you, Acornpaw and Leafpaw are being made warriors. You all leave the highrock proudly with new names: Sweetstrike, Acornpelt and Leafheart. Leafheart licks your cheek. 'I really like you, y'know.' What do you do?
  7. When you get back from patrol, you find Squirrelsplash, Leafheart and Acornpelt beside you. 'Sweetstrike,' Begins Acornpelt. 'We all really like you,' Leafheart continues 'So, do you love anyone of us? If so...' 'WHO?' They all say together.
  8. Did you like this quiz?
  9. Should I make more?
  10. Bye :3
  11. (Who did you want to end up with?)

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