Warrior cats love story (part three-apprenticeship

Hello we added a new character: GRAYPAW he is a light gray tom with silver stripes and deep blue eyes, he also has a crush on you (they all do) anyway hope you enjoy it!

Ok so a little warning: My punctuation sucks and you'll see lowercase "I"s and there is a hugeee cliffhanger at the end that everyone hates sooo yeah thats that! BEGIN

Created by: Leafshine
  1. So we left with them becoming warriors correct?
  2. Your mentors take you out to see how much you know about pair hunting.
  3. Your mentor, Duskheart is left with the last choice, Reedpaw got Lightpaw which means your stuck with the other apprentice.
  4. "hello leafpaw im graypaw" says the apprentice. "where should we hunt?" he asks.
  5. You're to busy studying the tom to notice hes talking to you. He is a light gray tom with silver stripes and deep blue eyes.
  6. You go back to camp with a _____ in your jaws and graypaw has a fat sparrow and a squirrel that you helped catch.
  7. When you all go to your nests for the night graypaw wakes you up.
  8. "Come with me." he whispers. "I have something amazing to show you." He smiles and blushes
  9. You follow him through a meadow and a bunch of trees.
  10. You walk out of some bushes and you see... A CLIFFHANGER

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