Warrior Cats Love Story! Part 1 (She-Cats ONLY)

Hello! This is my first quiz EVER! So please no judging! I hope you don't mind if you find any errors! I know I didn't add casual but when I made this quiz, I forgot about it. Right now it's too late so sorry!

4 toms are in love with you! Wanna find out who you love? Then take this quiz and find out! 3 warriors and your leader are battling each other for you so be careful you don't upset one of them, or else...

Created by: PrettyBlossxmz
  1. You were a newly-made warrior and you go to the warrior den to rest. FrostMoon, another newly-made warrior pads up to you and says, "It's great being a warrior! Right?" You reply...
  2. You then enter the warrior den and find TroutSplash building your nest next to his. "Oh! Hi _______! I was just building your nest! I know you are tired so I built it for you! He purrs. FrostMoon glares at him. Your reaction...
  3. You then caught your eyes on SwiftStalk, his nest was in the very corner and he has his back turned away from everyone else's. He turns his head around a bit and stared at you. He then looks away. Your reaction...
  4. It became dark and all of you slept in your nests. When you were getting settled in, TroutSplash twines his tail with yours. You...
  5. It's morning and you pad out of the Warrior den. You see FlameStar the leader of BlizzardClan walking then he catches his eyes on you. He stares at you for a full 3 seconds and then he shook his head and continued walking. Your reaction...
  6. You see TroutSplash wet holding 2 fish in his jaws. He drops on in front of you. "Here!" he says. "Hope you are hungry!" He continues. He sits beside you and purrs. Then he eats his fish. You eat the fish TroutSplash gave you and think...
  7. SwiftStalk walks slowly past you. You felt something and before you knew it, SwiftStalk brushed his pelt against yours. He ignored you and kept walking. Your reaction...
  8. FlameStar pads up to you unsure. He made a deep sigh and said, "______, can you please go on hunting patrol with FrostMoon?" You say yes and head to find FrostMoon. You then found FrostMoon growling at TroutSplash. "Look buddy, I gave her a fish! That's all!" Says TroutSplash. "I know you like her! You can't hide your feelings for her from me!" FrostMoon growled. "I can say the same for you." Says TroutSplash. You just walk to the scene pretending you didn't heard anything about it. "FrostMoon, uh... FlameStar says I am going on hunting patrol with you." You say. "Oh! Ok! Right behind you!" He smiled at you and made a warning look on his face to TroutSplash. You think...
  9. You go hunting. You were about to make a prefect pounce on a plump rabbit, until a fox came out from behind you! It pounces on you while the rabbit ran away. It bit you on the neck. You become unconscious. "______!" Shouts FrostMoon. FrostMoon attacks the fox killed it. He drags you back to camp. You open your eyes a bit and catch SwiftStalk glaring at FrostMoon. You then closed your eyes again and woke up in the medicine cat den. All the toms who love you are surrounding you. "Are you okay?!" Asks FrostMoon worried. "Are you still in pain!?" Asks TroutSplash. SwiftStalk just looks at you concerned. "I am so glad you are awake _______." Says FlameStar in relief. You say...
  10. It's your first gathering! You are going with SwiftStalk and of course, FlameStar. You arrive at the four-trees where you see MeadowClan cats. DustClan cats, and BeetleClan cats. The gathering started and yet again another cat twined his tail with yours. This time, it was SwiftStalk. Your reaction...
  11. You head back to camp after the long gathering. While you and some other chosen BlizzardClan warriors. FlameStar walked towards you. He whispers to you and says, "I kind of like you but please keep this a secret, I don't want the other toms finding out." He then licks behind your ear. You...
  12. When you arrive back at camp, your camp was under attack! You see lots of rouges fighting fiercely. Then you saw your sister's dead body laying on the ground. And then....CLIFFHANGER!!!
  13. That's enough for today guys! Sorry XD
  14. Bye!

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