Warrior Cats Love Story :3 (SHE CATS ONLY)

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This is a short lil love story quiz w many turns! This is simply for fun! She cats only! Tell me if you want me to make more quizzes in the future! I hopefully will!

This is my first quiz so it might nit be that good but give your honest opinions! :3 luv yall and have a blessed day/night/year or whatever (i need more stuff to put lol)

Created by: W4rr1orC4ts
  1. Your name is Blossomtail and you are a warrior in ThunderClan. You and Appleclaw like each other. Appleclaw comes up to you one day and sits by you. What do you do?
  2. (If you chose purr and curl next to him or lay next to him stay if you didn’t go to the nest question) Appleclaw licks your cheek and wraps his tail around yours. What do you do?
  3. (If you chose move away or hiss at him stay) He gets a bit upset and walks away. A couple minutes later he comes back with prey for you, or you think. He gives it to another she cat, Lightdawn. What do you do?
  4. (If you chose to kill Lightdawn, you are out, he ended the relationship) As you walk up to him and ask him why did you do that, he responds with “She seemed lonely and hungry, I only love you.” What do you do?
  5. Appleclaw comes back to you at night and sits next to you. He asks, “do you wanna have kits…” What do you do?
  6. (If you chose “ew you are to ugly for me” you are out. He got mad and clawed you) 5 days later you find out you are having kits! How do you tell Appleclaw?
  7. Appleclaw is excited and thrilled! 9 moons pass and you are due for your kits. You end up having 3 kits. What do you name them?
  8. You and your kits are in the nursery. Your kits are whining and you are trying to get them to rest. What do you do?
  9. Appleclaw comes in the nursery to give you some prey. He curls by you. What do you do?
  10. Did you like my quiz :3 (it was my first one so it prob wasn’t that good)

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