warrior cats love story 1(by:Kittypizza_11)

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welcome to the world of cats this is a love story so be prepared for drama love and pain!buckle up cus, your in for a wild ride!:)are you ready?I hope you are!!

here you come a new cat this is only part one!! there is at least 10 parts to this story so get ready!your a cat in the woods with your clan and trying to survive -kittypizza_11

Created by: kittypizza_11
  1. choose your name!your starting your story.
  2. what clan are you?
  3. as you gaze up at the high rock your leader says "we will now give mentors.Each mentor will get 2 cats!"
  4. you start your training what are you good at?
  5. as you train a dog attacks what do you do?
  6. no matter what you did a dog slams in to you and every thing goes black when you wake up you are in the medicine den
  7. snow paw walks over you ok? he asks. "blue star said to tell you this umm... look down" as you do you see you are missing a leg !
  8. you go to blue star to talk "blue star?"you call "yes?" the leader answers "now that I am missing a leg can I still be a warrior?"you ask .I do not know. she says, your tail droops.but I do know, she adds if you try you can do it. she finishes.
  9. as you walk away from the leader's den echo paw walks up you ok? he asks, yeah.you say, I'm just sad i might not become a warrior., you say it's ok, he says i bet that blue star with find something for you to do, ok, you say thanks.:)
  10. as you head back to your den to get some sleep spider paw walks out hey! you seem pretty cool um...have fun!bye!
  11. bye!:)

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