Warrior cats love pt. 1 ((SHES))

This is my ideal warrior cats love story, and my first quiz!!! I really hope you like it. Plz don't read this if you haven't read warriors. Thank you!!!!

((SHE'S ONLY)) TOMS GET OUTA HERE. Hope you enjoy!!! Thank you!!! I'm just fillling space!!! bla bla bla. Meow Meow Meow. wheeeeeeeeeeeeee. woof woof woff

Created by: Pink Lynx
  1. Your name is Chestnutfall. You have just woken up, and feel a poking on your back. It's Brightfur. He says, "wake up, sleepyhead, we have dawn patrol!" and nudges you.
  2. After the patrol you walk back to camp. You see a cat staring at you. It's Darkstorm, he never talks to you, but he stares ALOT
  3. The next day, you feel a tug in your throat. You pad to the medicine cat den to grab some herbs, there, you see Moonheart, and he greets you and gives you what you need.
  4. On the way to wherever you went, you meet Cedarclaw. You've known him since you were a kit. He says, "Hi Chestnutfall!! How's your day!"
  5. Minkstar, you leader, calls a clan meeting before he can answer. No matter what you said, he smiles at you from his seat. You look around and see all the toms you know. You sit next to....
  6. Whoever you sat with, (unless its Darkstorm, he glares at you) they welcome you and you listen to the meeting. Minkstar says, "The gathering is tommorrow, but I can't decide the last cat to go with me. The clan will vote.
  7. Brightfur walks up to you and asks you to go on patrol with him
  8. At the gathering, ForestClan insists that someone has been stealing off the territory. After the gathering...
  9. For the following questions, click DIDN'T PICK if you didn't talk to the person
  10. Moonheart looks at you sweetly and replies, "I know they're being unresonable, but I just want peace"
  11. If you chose to fall asleep, you fell asleep T_T
  12. If you chose Darkstorm, he ACTUALLY talks to you and says, "We should lead a battle against ForestClan, don't you agree?"
  13. If you chose Cedarclaw, he says, "I really don't know what to do...how about you?"
  14. If you chose Brightfur...he says..."I think we shouldn't worry, after all, AmberClan would never do that" *cracks joke*
  15. And nowwwwwwww[no urls]
  16. Minkstar calls a meeting and says..."We've found the theif!!!"
  17. CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. How would you rate the quiz!!

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