Warrior cat sentences

YOU MUST READ PARAGRAPHS SERIOUSLY! So you think you've read your warrior cat books huh? Well I will put you to the ultimate test in just 10 questions you could be a kit to a leader!!!!!

This is a quiz which contains sentences from the third series of the books ( new prophecy) I will put you to the ultimate test to see if you know your warriors! P.a. please post a comment with your scoring so I know some had played it!

Created by: Jayjay

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. "I have no side cats and badgers could live in peace but all my kin talk about is blood and revenge"
  2. "But gatherings won't be the same!"
  3. "We should never have been together"
  4. "I'm not sure if I'm correct but.... blood will spill blood and the lake with run red"
  5. "Sootfur no!"
  6. "There where to pebbles that made the stream not flow properly but once they were washed away it flew properly"
  7. "I will always be with you I promise"
  8. "I'll show you a Kittypet could claw your ears off!"
  9. "Rainwhisker you get the cats out who are left in the shed"
  10. "Hey - what do you think your doing?"

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