Warrior Cat Name Quiz

This is a quiz that tells you what your Warrior Cat Name in 10 questions! I gave them each their own description but you can always change it and make it your own!

These names are all warrior names since you can change them according to your role very easily and so you don't have to worry about making up half of your name!

Created by: Emily
  1. Are you a she-cat or Tom?
  2. What's your role?
  3. Let's do a bit of RP... After a battle there are many wounds to treat but you are weary and tired since you had traveled to the MoonStone, what do you do?
  4. The leader is appointing a new deputy and chooses you! How do you respond?
  5. You just finished a patrol and are told you can rest, you look around at all the weary cats and...
  6. This won't affect your turnout but... is your cat evil?????
  7. What color is your pelt?
  8. What do you prefer?
  9. What's your favorite part about being in a clan?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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