Warrior cat name quiz



Created by: LunarClaw
  1. Hello!! Are you ready to take my quiz?! I hope you like it :3
  2. Okay here's the first question!! What is your favorite color?
  3. What clan would you want?
  4. Which of the names would you name your two kits? (Brother and sister)
  5. Ask someone to describe you... Which is closets to what they said? Or have them pick one
  6. Are you mean? Be honest
  7. Have you ever punched someone? (In the nose?)
  8. On a scale from one to five how mean ARE you?
  9. How often are you grumpy?
  10. Okay enough with the weird questions
  11. Alright now the quiz is over haha! Byyye~! Hope you like your results... I also hope this wasn't to boring, it was my first quiz.

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