Warrior cat name and pelt

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Who did you get? Kind Amberleaf or Mean Bramblestrom. Just know they are both wondrful cats. Have you took the 'Are you a warrior or kittypet test?' Well you should.

Which cat did you want Amberleaf or Bramblestrom? Fun fact the two results are kin! They are brother and sister! They have 4 other siblings. Please comment Briarlight2003 fans!

Created by: Briarlight2003

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are a kit. You see a hunting patrol leaving what do you do?
  2. Your leader ask if you want to battle patrol or hunt? What do you do?
  3. A Shadowclan cat ask you to care for their kit! How do you reply?
  4. A rival clan attacks! Who do you help?
  5. A beautiful Windclan she-cat/tom talks to you. What to you do?
  6. You/mate is expecting kits! What now?
  7. You are appointed deputy! What's your first duty?
  8. Fire! Who do you help!
  9. Last question!
  10. who do you want?

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