Warrior Cat Love Story {she Cats Only}

Welcome to my FIRST quiz you will play as frostbrire {my oc} and you will see who you will get as a mate at the end.

Now in this quiz there are good and bad endings so pick your awnsers wisly.

Created by: Neita
  1. Your name is frostpaw and you are about to get your full name. What name do you want?
  2. You get the name frostbrire and flintfang, blizaredrunner and brakencry want to go hunting or patroling what do you do.
  3. After hunting/patroling {unless you stay at camp} you feel like going to bed so you head to your nest and you dream that you were chasing a cat to say I love you who was it?
  4. Its the morning and blizaredrunner tells you that he wants to hunt with you and tell you somthin you say?
  5. Last question all of the cats you know tell you that they all love you and you have to pike one. Who is it?
  6. Lol
  7. Oh I have one more question do you have a oc? Also check out my google pluse: neita lindsay.
  8. Do you like the quiz?
  9. Don't answer for this question. had to do at least 12 :/

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