Warrior_Cat_Love_Story: Part One

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Ready for part one of Warrior_Cat_Love_Story??? I AM!!! There are three toms. You are a pretty she-cat named Fawnkit. Three toms love you and you choose who you fall for!

Created by: CrookedstarRules
  1. "Fawnkit, Fawnkit! Wake up!" yowled Bravekit as he prodded your side. When he saw your eyes open, he raced over to his littermate Rainkit and then Shadowkit, who snarled at him.
  2. "What's going on, Bravekit?" you ask. He turns to you, his huge blue eyes sparkling. "It's time for our apprentice ceremony!"
  3. You ask if Bravekit's kidding. Shadowkit raises his head and growls, "I don't think Bravekit has the brains to kid if he wanted to!" "You're just jealous that Fawnkit doesn't like you 'cuz you're so mean!" Bravekit retorted.
  4. "I think Rainkit should choose." growled Shadowkit. He turned to his brother and meowed, "Who's better: me or Bravekit?" Rainkit's neck fur rose and he stammered.
  5. "Whatever." meowed Shadowkit. He walked out of the nursury. Bravekit made a big show of going up to Rainkit and apologizing. When he was done, he turned his head and winked at you. Rainkit was giving him the fiercest gaze you had ever seen him give.
  6. "Let all cats able to capture their own prey gather under the HighRock for an apprentice ceremony!" called Treestar. The deputy and your mother, Leafwing, rushes in, followed by Riversplash. The mothers rush to clean their kit(s). Once they are all clean, you walk out with pride, Minnowkit following. Bravekit, Rainkit, and Shadowkit are sitting near each other, but with space for one cat.
  7. "Today five kits are to become apprentices." he turned to us. "Rainkit, Bravekit, Shadowkit, Fawnkit, and Minnowkit. Come here." As you walk forward, Rainkit's flank brushes yours.
  8. "Rainkit, from this day forward, until you receive your medicine cat name, you will be known as Rainpaw. Your mentor will be Cloverleaf."
  9. "Bravekit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Bravepaw. Your mentor will be Flamewater."
  10. "Shadowkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Shadowpaw. Your mentor will be Darktail."
  11. "Minnowkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Minnowpaw. Your mentor will be myself."
  12. "Fawnkit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Fawnpaw. Your mentor will be Leafwing!"
  13. After your ceremony, you find your denmates making their nests. Rainpaw, Shadowpaw, and Bravepaw are all looking at you with hopeful eyes, and gesturing to an extra nest near theirs. Minnowpaw is sleeping already.
  14. As you drift to sleep, you feel *_______*'s pelt brush yours as he curls up around you.

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