Warrior cat love story

Hi this is my first story so I made it short sorry.I hope you enjoy gggg th love giggle th and crazy ha ha gggg bye! Sorry I need to make this longer run Jordan yay fun

Here you make decisions and find your true love I hope you replay and find all the endings to my love story i have a lots of fun making this and I hope you have just as mutch fun as I did also sorry for the spelling in this

Created by: Maggie
  1. You pick a little piece of fresh kill to see leafheart walking over to you be asked you if you wanted to go hunting
  2. ( if You said no skip)You smell a mouse leaf heart does to and he caches.it for you while you are eating sleekwhisker walks out
  3. You get back and see maplewisker and he looks at you with a loving look and walked over you see sleekwhisker shift
  4. Somebody calls maplewisker and he turns and walks away
  5. A while later sleekwisker comes to you and asked if you want to be his mate!
  6. Sleekwhisker hisses at you but calms down and asked you to hunt with him
  7. While you are hunting sleekwhisker line you down and hisses this is the end of you! Leafheart saves you and kills sleekwhisker
  8. Maplewhisker looks for you when yo get back and see that you are worried and gives you a comforting like
  9. You find leafheart and he asked you if you want to be his mate (if so then for the next question press skip2)
  10. Maplewhisker asked you to be his mate

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