Wanna see your future husbands first letter to there name?

Hey this quiz is not very accurate I just based this off of what I've seen in multiple relationships and wanted to make them into a quiz where ppl could see if i'm acurret or noe!

Ty for clicking this quiz this is my first quiz ever and I would like it if oyu would plz rate me I don't care if it's a bad rating I understand if it is but I just want to thank you for playing! (idk what i'm saying XD)

Created by: Kasee Plaster
  1. What Do you like to do in life?
  2. Do you want to have kids?
  3. Let's say you have the worst life ever, What would you do?
  4. If your crush asked you out but you are not ready to date anyone because you just got dumped what would you say?
  5. Are you ready to date someone?
  6. Do you have a job?
  7. Do you already have someone in mind?
  8. Do you have a boyfriend or are already married or engaged
  9. Where you already in a relationship?
  10. Do you have a sibling?

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Quiz topic: Wanna see my future husbands first letter to there name?
