Waking up as a girl (EP 1)

One night you transform into a girl. You have to live the lifestyle, but it’s not just going to be one day. Who knows how long. But… how did you get here?

I like making roleplay quizzes so I thought this would be fun to make! This isn’t really good writing as the love story I made. Please leave a comments and PLEASE RATE!

Created by: Wideweir
  1. You wake up after a good nights rest and you… look in the mirror… and see a females body. What do you do
  2. You would go to your closet and find it full of girl clothes. What do you do?
  3. After getting changed you go to the bathroom. Do you put any makeup?
  4. Do you want to do anything to your hair? (You have long hair)
  5. Your mom would enter the bathroom and say “You’re going to love the new school, trust me.” What do you say?
  6. You get on the school bus, where do you sit?
  7. During first period, there would be a gas leak. School would close and you were free to go. A group of girls would bring you to the mall. What do you do?
  8. You would now head home and your 2 sisters are waiting and give you heels as a gift. What do you do?
  9. You now head to your room, what do you do before bed?
  10. You now get in bed, what do you do?
  11. You now drift off… you feel like this isn’t over… how long left you think to yourself.

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