Wackiest quiz in history

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Welcome to the Wackiest quiz in history!We will test on how you behave on this quiz.Are you wacky or not?Would you say random things during the quiz? :)

I am up for requests now!And the next quiz will be 'Will you be stuffed into the lizard suit?' Will you be normal ar WaCkY during the quiz?Come and take the quiz to find out!

Created by: Savannah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. RP Time! Your teacher asks you to draw your pet,but you don't have any what would you do?
  2. More RP Your boyfriend/girlfriend ran up and kissed how do you react?
  3. If you could make any movie which will it be about?
  4. An enemy tries to sing a song in a concert and make you fall in love with him.How do you react?
  5. If your enemy kisses you how do you react? girls pick one with fm boys pick one with m
  6. Your mom told you not to drink the beer.An hour later,you are thirsty.You look in the fridge,and there was only beer in there,what would you do?
  7. You want to go to the arcade,so you say that you are hanging out with a friend in town.Mom says don't go to the arcade.You want to play games badly.What do you do?
  8. Ready 4 Freddy?
  9. favorite youtuber that plays fnaf?
  10. Do you usually make good grades in school?
  11. FATE (Vincent version this time)

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