vocab words for english

try again please for the sake of your grade its best if you keep trying you hardest! do you want to fail at life? go for the 100%! if you dont you will fail english as a junior and you will never be a senior!

stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid,

Created by: bekahlynn

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Singular-
  2. construe-
  3. implicit-
  4. Catholic-
  5. exasperate-
  6. forebear-
  7. Fanatic-
  8. didactic-
  9. categorical-
  10. infinitesimal-
  11. vehement-
  12. nullify-
  13. belabor-
  14. comprise-
  15. transcend-
  16. apprehensive-
  17. Candid-
  18. transitory-
  19. benefactor-
  20. assuage-
  21. mitigate-
  22. amass-
  23. enthrall-
  24. corroborate-
  25. compelling-
  26. covenant-
  27. subordinate-
  28. obfuscate-
  29. tangible-
  30. incongrous-
  31. capricious-
  32. gregarious-
  33. venal-
  34. vociferous-
  35. amicable-
  36. paradigm-
  37. perquisite-
  38. acquiesce-
  39. enhance-
  40. repress-

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