Vincent Vs Jeff, Which Team Are YOU On?

There is a big debate happening!(well, in my head, anyway.) What is this debate about, you ask? Why, who the most deadly killer is, of course! The competetors are: Vincent and Jeff the Killer!

So? Which team are YOU on? Team Vincent or Team Jeff? I was super bored, so I decided to make this very quiz. So go on and take it already! Why are you still reading? TAKE THIS QUIZ ALREADY!

Created by: Lunaofthemoon
  1. Your worst fear?
  2. Someone is robbing you in the middle of the night! What do you do?
  3. You see someone you like, and I mean, LIKE. How do you approach this situation?
  4. You're babysitting, and the kid is such a little brat. What do you do?
  5. At a pizzaria, how and who would you kill?
  6. Personality?
  7. Fave weapon?
  8. Fav color? (Sorry! Just curious... Mr. Midnight...).
  9. Favorite food?
  10. Ok, thnx! Hope you leiked it! (The same way I herd you leik Mudkipps! Lol! I'm a meme nerd!) bye!

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Quiz topic: Vincent Vs Jeff, Which Team am I On?