Video Games Quiz

If you are a player of video games this quiz is for you. If you think you are the best you will know it this quiz. d ldpe kdo qks pa dior skzo e dkir elod

Are you the best in video games ? Try to make the best score. Answer all the question of my quiz ! THREE TWO ONE GO !!! f h jel sloa ls na ske kshf mp

Created by: Célestin et Jules

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How long pass you a day on the video games?
  2. What kind of video games do you play ?
  3. What's your favorite Game Console ?
  4. What's your favorite war games ?
  5. What's your favorite marks of electronic ?
  6. what's your fravorite car games ?
  7. What's your favorite gore game ?
  8. What's your favorite adventure games ?
  9. What's your favorite character In mariokart ?
  10. What's your favorite games on computer ?

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