Victorious Quiz

thank you if your going to take this quiz. i hope you will enjoy the good quiz i have made about vitorious! now im just going to write some random stuuff! ACTUALLY I WOONT!

thank you if your going to take this quiz. i hope you will enjoy the good quiz i have made about about about goood victorious... im just writing random stuuff yeah,,

Created by: Khushi
  1. What is Tori Vega's real name?
  2. What is Leon Thomas's name in Victorious?
  3. Who is Jade's boyfriend
  4. What Episode did Andre and Tori sing Song To You?
  5. Why did Tori and her friends have to dress up as food?
  6. What song did tori and andre sing in the episode called 'the diddly bops'?
  7. HELO
  8. NO
  9. HI

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