venturian or animebro mii

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Hey u yah u I got a mission for u. Do u know the venturiantale and animebromii. Well do u know which is better if u like them both? Well u came to the right place.

See here u just fill in the blank here. All answers are +6. U pick venturiantale or animebromii. There will be both. Decide which is better for u to which is best.

Created by: jellydomos---
  1. Which did u subscribe to?
  2. Which channel did u like a video
  3. Which channel do u mostly watch
  4. If u were in one of the channels which would it be
  5. Who is funny
  6. Who is more amusing to u
  7. Which do u mostly know
  8. Do they know any of these people on venturiantale or animebromii know u.
  9. Who's vids do u mostly comment on
  10. Have u gave in anything to any channel

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